Tuesday, January 31, 2012

a year later

so i realized i haven't posted something for almost a year, sorry didn't mean to ditch yall but my life just got out of control. i just didn't know which way was up for awhile and what not, but i promise that there will be more post soon!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Looking Up

it is very very funny how sometimes we never see the bigger picture until we take a step back and realize how truly blessed we are. i have had the most random week ever it started out really well and was really interesting at the same time but as the week went on i slowly begain to break down and down and i had a hard cry and a good cry last night with one of my roomates on how i might never be good enough for anyone. but what she really made me realzie is how truly blessed i am. I live with amazing girls who will always be there for me no matter how annoying or how rude i become they are sort of my rock at college and i love them for it :) i never really looked at how grateful i am for my life, i have 2 legs and 2 arms that function totally fine and i can do sports and play games and act like a normal person and i am so grateful for that. I also go to a amaazing universtiy where i can be around people who have the same problems that i face in the world and that they can help me though it ! and thats a amazing feeling so thank you for the amazing life i have been given..
ps. here a amazing quote i found yesterday :)
“Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, "I will try again tomorrow.”

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Fall 2010

I can't believe that i have another semester under my belt. I now have done 5 semesters at byu-idaho!!! crazyness i tell you crazyness!!! I was so blessed this semester with everything, maybe not on the educational side of things but with the people i was around! i got to experience tons of fun with my roommates and people in my classes, im excited to go back and see some of them after christmas break. And as you have guessed it is snowing here in rexburg! i can't believe that its snows so much here, and my car does handle pretty well in it so that was great!
Anyways i probably should get going but here is one picture to put you in the christmas sprit :)

Sunday, November 7, 2010


So this past halloween me and my roomies were skittles, we all had different colors it was super cute and we got alot of comments and a few numbers :) always a good thing....

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Revenge is sometimes soo sweet!

ok since this my blog and i can write everything my little heart desires i will do so. So i have this friend how i love and support in everthing shes does, i watch her in swim, i help when she needs it in the kitchen, homework you name it i have either helped with or supported. Well the minute this girl meets a cute guy everything i have planned or done for her is out the window. holy crap what is friendship for if you arent ever going to respect it! like come one, i stayed her whole last swim meet and timed and supported her when she swam, now since she isn't swimming this week its a " maybe ill come" now its " i have to learn early or not come so i can get ready for my date on saturday. like what the hell, you should just come becuase 1 i am your roomate andyou should support me also we had plans "B". and last but not least if your gunna keep it up i will just let my side of the friendship go. I have no problem telling people were not friends anymore, if you don't treat me the same why i treat you then so long, and i will block you out of my life fo a long time and might never let you back in... thats all im gunna say on the subject......
thanks for reading, and listing to me vent :/ somehting i girls gotta do

Friday, October 15, 2010

New Days Come. Old days Go

Back to school again :)
Classes have started, seeing old friends again and in a new apartment :)
Its fall so the leaves are changing so it is beautiful outside :)
The air is chrisp and so you loose you breath you to find it again as you get to class :)
Everyone has a smile on there face becuase we live in a happy little bubble of rexy:)
Old friends make you smile becuase you konw you can be yourself around them :)
Swimming and then having your hair freeze because it is so cold outside :)
Going to the Hanunted mill and the straze maze just becuase you are dumb college students. :)
Loveing life......

Monday, June 7, 2010

He is all Grown Up

My little brother is graduating from high school this saturday and it just soooo crazy to me :/ awww congrats patrick